Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Oguri Shun@Hanazawa Rui...Suki!!!

            I had search lots of info and photos of him after the Hana Yori Dango. After sometimes, I found his photo when Oguri-kun was is GTO @ Great Teacher Onizuka I finished watching it for the third times last week. At first I did not noticed his presence, but I did felt like the short boy that always being bullied looks like him. And yes,it is Oguri-kun!! He looks so different from what he looks nowadays. In that series, He look so innocent and quite dummy because he had to act like a helpless student, let himself being bullied girls..uuu...

             Take a look on his previous picture, Oguri-kun kawaii!!!

              Can you identify that Oguri-kun was that messy short boy if you had only see him with his appearance nowadays?? ^^.. I wonder how he could grew that tall in years.. Hurmm.. by the way, I already watch him in Hana Kimi. Actually that was the very first time I watched Oguri-kun acts. He was cold-hearten sometimes in the series.

         Here is Oguri-kun in Hana Kimi, look cocky kan.. But, somehow he still look cool, isn't he? ^^.. 

    Enjoy his photos.. I think I should save money starting from today. Oguri-kun!!! Cyotto matte ne!!!! 

Target now : Japan!!! ^^..



  1. aisehmen ...may...cantek gak profile ko nie... >_<

  2. thanx r..^^.. rajin2 mlawat kasi knal ko ama boy ensem2 hehe...
