Saturday, October 9, 2010

Malaysia in 2057 (one of my first writing's homework, sorry for the grammatical error and etc..)

Previously, we had heard about the ‘2020 Vision’ that was been stated by our fourth minister, Tun Dr. Mahathir. This is the time when our country is expected to become a well-developed country. However, have we ever wondered about what is waiting for us beyond the year 2020? Probably most of my 19-year-old contemporaries do not think beyond the year 2030, let alone myself but to be asked about the future that illuminates 2057 the current trend of development is a foreshadow of what is to come 47 years from now on. In 2057, our country may be one with advanced technology and preserved cultural values, but the recent trend of advancement in our country suggested that these two elements will not walk hand in hand.
It is acceptable to say that Malaysia may become a superb well-developed country in 2057. Nature friendly cars will be available and used by all the citizen of Malaysia instead of using the heavy polluting of carbon fuel car that we have now. The risk of polluting the air will be reduced with the usage of this technology. Apart from these, big improvement in public transport such as eco and nature friendly vehicles. For instance, our monorails, buses, and other public transportations will be substituted with superb transportations that are complete with amazing technologies. These transportations will be faster, safer and reachable to almost every part of Malaysia. Besides, there will be many sky crappers and facilities around Malaysia. These will make Malaysia’s to be on par with other developing countries.
As the saying goes, ‘there’s a price for the development of technologies’. The acceleration of our technologies will cause the deprecation of cultural values. It will bring a bad future for our culture as to pay the price of modernization that we enjoy during that time. Most of the youngsters are lack of knowledge about their culture, either their traditional culture or the previous Malaysian norms culture. They will not have interest in joining the traditional festivals that our forefather used to celebrate every year. More than that, they also might lose the ‘assabiah spirit’ which is the spirit of living together as one big family in a community as they are busy enjoying the technologies. Their outfits are also be heavily influenced by the western style with shorter and small shirts that considered as trendy and nice to be wear in public. The worst thing is that most citizens might lead an immoral lifestyle. Pre marital sex, same-sex relationship and abortions will be common to us due to the levelling of our country development with other developed countries.
But, since we cannot predict but we can expect our country to be according to the trend that we have nowadays, the problems of having a bad future culture can be avoided with the aid of alternative situations for technologies and cultural values to co-exist. For example,
in religious term, mobile phone manufacturers have developed popular phones for Muslim users that support their religious practices. Firstly, by reminding them when it is time to pray, secondly by orientating them towards Mecca and thirdly by disabling incoming calls for 20 minutes. Although these phones are already being produced, but it still can be improve in 2057 to be better with more features such as make reminders of any festival celebrated or providing more information about religiosity and cultural information in the gadgets invented.
Thus, although Malaysia will grow into a well-develop country, the cultural value that we have should not be left aside. Some sort of things that we have in our life would be better if undergo improvement. But, there are valuable things that should be preserves for the sake of our well-being.

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